### **A self-taught dropout with almost a decade of experience building software.** In late 2018, I discovered indie hacking, and was completely blown away by the idea that one person could build a whole profitable software business solo without any team or funding. At the same time, I was bored after six months of starting to work as a full stack engineer and looking to transition to DevOps. I resigned and had saving for three months, with the goal to give indie hacking a try. To follow the theme of trying to solve my own problems, I decided to build a job board aggregator for remote DevOps jobs. After a month and half of working 18-hour days, I launched DevopsEngineers.io on Product Hunt! But reality hit hard: It turned out building the thing was only 50% of the work. I had no clue about marketing, copywriting, or sales. On top of that, I was a 24-year-old lost kid trying to figure out his career that just started, finances, relationships and much more. I gave up. But despite failing, during my time building the product, I discovered **"flow state"** β€” a state of deep focus, excitement where nothing else mattered except my work. Watching it grow daily, sleep felt like an obstacle, this is was the first time in my life that I actually felt like this about anything. The only time I felt something similar was during gaming, which explained my deep addiction to it during my teenage years. I got back to trying to figure out my life, and time truly flied. Fast forward five years of drifting through insecurities, while achieving numerous financial, career, fitness, and relationship goals, and searching for a place to fit in. I've reached a point where it feels like a burnout for the past three years, even though I hate this type of thinking. For the first time in my life the goal is not to gain anything but to design a life that I'm excited to exist in, a day, week, and month that I look forward to living. So, I'm restarting my journey to solo build software products, with the aim to get back to that flow state once again. Making money will be a metric to validate that what I'm building is truly offering real value, and also to sustain my life style, as I'm not willing to leave all material aspects behind and become a Buddhist monk yet. I will be documenting this process, sharing a glimpse of my day-to-day life, the tools that I'm learning , and overall progress of what I'm building. I’m committing myself to publish a weekly Article ✍🏼 and YouTube video πŸŽ₯, as this is the minimum commitment that I believe is feasible at this stage. Thanks for reading this far, and I will see in the next post. ### **✍🏼 Currently Working On..** #### **[asyncsupport.dev](https://www.asyncsupport.dev)** ### πŸ‘€ **Find me on the web** [<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="35" height="35" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 512 462.799"><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M403.229 0h78.506L310.219 196.04 512 462.799H354.002L230.261 301.007 88.669 462.799h-78.56l183.455-209.683L0 0h161.999l111.856 147.88L403.229 0zm-27.556 415.805h43.505L138.363 44.527h-46.68l283.99 371.278z"/></svg>](https://x.com/buildwithmh) [<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="40" height="40" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 640 640"><path d="M633.468 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